The Law of Attraction is a new thought practice that basically says, “Like attracts Like.” Your thoughts and feelings manifest your reality based on how much faith you have.
Faith and love are seen as a power that can manipulate the reality and universe around you. (Melissa Dougherty, Five New Age Teachings in the Church, YouTube, July 24, 2020).
The god of the Law of Attraction is pantheistic, and it teaches that we can manifest our desires because we have the inner divinity to do just that.
The CORE of this teaching is that you ARE God. You are the center of the universe.
What you say, think, and feel molds your reality because you are vibrational. You are a vibrational being.
The core of this teaching is that you ARE God. Not just God-like, but that you ARE God.
This is the core of all New Age beliefs.
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