The central focus of the Book of Hebrews is on God’s provision of a “Great High Priest” and a “perfect sacrifice” who would be required for the eternal forgiveness of mankind’s sins. (
Israel’s sin had continually interrupted God’s fellowship with His chosen and covenant people, Israel. (Life Application Study Bible)
Under the Old Covenant, given under Moses, God had graciously and sovereignly established a system of sacrifices that symbolically represented the repentance of His chosen people and God’s cleansing and forgiveness of their sins. (
However, the need for sacrifices never ended because both the people and the Levitical priests continued to sin.
The need of all mankind was for a perfect high priest and a perfect sacrifice that would actually remove sin.
That God’s provision of a perfect high priest and a perfect sacrifice would be found in Jesus is the central message of the Book of Hebrews.
Generally, the epistle to the Hebrews is a study in contrast.
Read More on Hebrews Chapter 4